Are you new to Whispering Woods? Welcome! Below are some helpful answers to questions you may have.
How many homes are there in Whispering Woods Community? There are 97 homes in the community.
What schools will my children attend? Barstow Elementary Calvert Middle Calvert High
What are the major service providers in the area? Gas: SJ Johnson, Suburban Propane, Qdog Fuels Electric: SMECO Garbage: Amber’s Disposal, Evergreen Recycling: Ball Road Convenience Center, 1045 Ball Rd, St. Leonard, MD Cable/Internet: Xfinity Septic: Brothers Johnson Septic Services
Where can I access HOA documents and bylaws? Through this website under Community Documents
Is there a Facebook group? Yes, search “Neighbors of Whispering Woods” on Facebook. This page is ran by the community, not the board of directors.
When are the HOA fees due? Our fees are currently $325 and are due annually NLT 8 July 2024. If you have any questions in regards to the annual fees, please contact Mike Mason. Checks can be made out to Whispering Woods Homeowners Association and mailed to PO Box 3728 Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678
I want to make changes/improvements to the exterior of my home, who do I contact for approval? All requests can be sent to Shelly Ziman at [email protected]